Our unique, jointly-written, experimental collaborative short film TAKING TIME had its first screening in February 2016. This gallery celebrates everyone who gave their own time to the filming of the project – we’re hugely grateful to you all. The film was featured on BBC Midlands Today on February 2nd 2016, the day of its premiere at the Mockingbird Theatre in Birmingham, and we also appeared on Big Centre TV‘s film programme BRUMMIEWOOD YAMMYWOOD to discuss it (March 11th 2016, 10pm). Thanks once again to everyone who helped make it possible, and especially to the actors named below.

Lead actor Denny Hodge begins his journey as Edward in TAKING TIME. The project was proposed and delivered by director Gabe Crozier, assisted by Ian Kennedy.

Lead actor Denny Hodge begins to set the tone and pace of the 14-minute film, as his character Edward slowly makes his way towards his daily work, already left far behind by his fellow commuters. Former standup comedian Denny was separately recommended by two different colleagues for the part to us. Denny brought an understated intensity to the film which enabled much of the story to be carried without dialogue.

In his clock shop, Edward (Denny Hodge) feels alienated by the mass-produced modern technology he is expected to work on nowadays in order to maintain his traditional business. Special thanks to Ron and Chris Croton for providing this evocative filming location.

Edward (Denny Hodge) encounters a scene of potential bullying – and theft of a boy’s bike – in the street.

Mehdi (Josh Malhi) interrupts Edward (Denny Hodge) in his solitude, bringing energy and a quirky contrast between the clockwork-loving Edward and a young digital native playing a smartphone game. All of our young actors were cast thanks to Ross Berkeley Simpson of First Act Workshops, to whom we are very grateful, along with the actors themselves and their families who gave up hours of their weekend to make this shoot possible.

After being jolted from a particularly vivid recollection, Edward (Denny Hodge) is left feeling hurt and alone.

Edward’s (Denny Hodge) descent into his own past brings him into a deserted cobbled alley, in search of memories of his father.

Edward (Denny Hodge) faces the prospect of his own mortality.

Our final view of Edward (Denny Hodge) as his time ebbs away.

Respite from urban fears and dangers for Edward (Denny Hodge) in a local park after an alarming encounter.

Edward (Denny Hodge) arrives at his place of sanctuary, his historic clock shop. Location provided by Ron and Chris Croton.

Vulnerable local girl Chloe (Ruth Chavez) looks fondly in as Edward (Denny Hodge) works in his shop – but trouble is arriving in the car behind her.

Chloe (Ruth Chavez) reflects on her own potentially dangerous situation as she waits for friends to arrive.

Older man Jake (Sam Cole) confronts Chloe and tries to talk her into joining him in his car.

Chloe’s friend Alice (Amy-Beth Shah) tries to talk her into joining them in a potentially dangerous situation with older men.

Jake (Sam Cole) is put out by Chloe’s (Ruth Chavez) stand-offish reaction, watched by Alice (Amy-Beth Shah) and Edward (Denny Hodge).

Local bully Cameron (Tom Brookes) senses an opportunity when a young boy approaches on his new bike.

Cameron’s friend Sai (Ryan Malhi) laughs at the prospect of what’s coming their way.

Bullies Cameron (Tom Brookes) and Sai (Ryan Malhi) eye up their next victim.

Surprised to be let through by the bullies – thanks to Edward’s subtle intervention – young boy Michael (Oliver Benbow) continues cautiously on his way.

Young boy Mehdi (Josh Malhi) is immersed in his video game.

Edward experiences a vision of a young girl, perhaps his daughter or granddaughter (Mia Pearson).

Michael (Oliver Benbow) catches up to Edward (Denny Hodge), unwittingly stumbling upon his final moments.

Edward (Denny Hodge) arrives at a derelict site, in search of memories of his father.

Jess (Nicoletta Barrett) is distracted and neglects the young girl she is responsible for – until noticing who the girl is dancing with.

Edward reimagines an upsetting encounter with Mehdi’s mother (Rashi Malhi) as a happier moment.

“Earth to old guy?” – Michael (Oliver Benbow) is too young to recognise Edward (Denny Hodge) entering his final decline – with fateful consequences.